05 Nov InfiniSys Staying Current
05.01.13 — Now that 2013 is in full swing, InfiniSys is planning several changes to stay current with the ever-changing technology world.
InfiniSys is working to upgrade all of its workstations by purchasing new HD monitors to improve visibility, usability and productivity.
Along with new monitors, we have upgraded all of our software to that of 2013+. Software has a big impact on how we get things done; we have migrated to cloud-based products such as Microsoft’s Office 365 for our everyday document/email needs, Lync for streamlined internal communications and Mozy for our full server backup.
Keeping in touch with what is going on in the technology world helps us stay ahead of the rest. In the next few weeks, the entirety of the InfiniSys team will be attending InfoComm 2013 in Orlando.
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